Optimized Trajectories for Motion Control


Input Shaping® for commercial motion controllers

Input Shaping® is a technique, which may be applied in real time, that modifies the command signal to the physical system to reduce vibrations, settle time, and acoustics. Input Shaping® is based on the fact that vibrations in open or closed loop motion control systems are the result of one or more frequencies that are excited when motion occurs. Using empirical measurements from the system, Input Shaping® generates a modified command signal which allows for maximum motion performance and minimum vibration.

Linear-Theta™ gantry control

Linear-Theta is technique used to control machines that have two parallel motion axes. Linear-Theta decouples the axes so displacement and angle can be commanded independently. Linear-Theta control also apportions the forces applied to each axis to actively compensate for force imbalance due to motion of the system center of gravity. The result is a gantry machine with higher bandwidth with improved dynamic performance.

No-Sway™ Crane control

No-Sway™ control virtually eliminates the load swing normally associated with crane motion. No-Sway™ does not require additional transducers, instead it operates by modifying the crane motor command signals to cancel swing at the load.

Pre-computed Trajectories

Convolve's Precomputed Trajectory™ technology creates tables of trajectories that are selected based on move distance. Each trajectory is individually optimized offline for a given move length. Precomputed Trajectories™ are shorter in time than trajectories generated in real time.